My homepage!

About Me!

I'm a sophomore, born and raised here in San Diego. I have a maltipoo-mix dog, she's 6 years old. I was born in San Diego, but my favorite place to visit is Korea. The walkable cities are nice and I always appreciate seeing my relatives again. I'm taking CS because I enjoy learning new things, and hopefully I'll pick up coding relatively quickly too! Lilac is my favorite flower, and color, but my wardrobe is mostly navy and black. I love sleep, but not as much as I love staying up. It's a difficult life.

More about me... but in pictures

My image! This is my freeform image, showing a couple of my interests. There's headphones, because I like to listen to music, and a yarn ball. I crochet a lot in my free time, it's one of my favorite hobbies. There's a Korean flag in the background, because I'm Korean. Other than that, I like to sleep or binge Netflix shows.