our code

updateTimer() {
        const id = document.getElementById("gameOver");
        const elapsedTime = (Date.now() - this.startTime) / 1000;
        const timeScoreElement = document.getElementById('timeScore');
        if (timeScoreElement) {
            // Update the displayed time
            timeScoreElement.textContent = elapsedTime.toFixed(2);
            // Get the current user ID from SettingsControl
            const userID = SettingsControl.userID;
            // Retrieve existing time scores from local storage
            const existingTimeScores = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('timeScore')) || [];
            // Check if there is a recent time score for the current user
            const recentTimeScore = existingTimeScores.find(score => score.userID === userID);
            if (!recentTimeScore) {
                // Add the new time score with user ID to the array
                // Assume the existingTimeScores retrieval as described in the previous response

                // Assuming you have userID and elapsedTime defined somewhere in your code
                const userID = 'exampleUserID';
                const elapsedTime = elapsedTime.toFixed(2); // Replace with the actual elapsed time value

                // Add the new time score with user ID to the array
                const newTimeScore = {
                    userID: userID,
                    time: elapsedTime.toFixed(2),
                    // You can add more properties if needed


                // Log the updated array to the console for debugging

                // Save the updated array to local storage
                localStorage.setItem('timeScores', JSON.stringify(existingTimeScores));
